23 November, 2008

All signs point to staying in bed

I don't normally put much store in these things, but today, they seem to be a good reason to just stay quiet and stay in bed.
Sun Sign- Taurus: You're drawn to activities that don't interest the people around you. Your needs are different from those of your friends and neighbours.

Moon & Rising Sign - Scorpio: You see so much around you that could be better, and many of your ideas would work if they were enthusiastically applied. Getting others to hear you as a supporter and not a critic will be key.

Got the windows sealled and ready for winter, which has arrived with pronounced determination, and stocked up on the comfort foods of mac-n-cheese, so there is now no need to go back out. Going to hibernate for the time being and begin getting my ducks in a row. Think I might take the next two days off whilst the beasties have school, just to have some solitude for a few hours before the crazy of holiday travel begins.

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