07 November, 2008

A new page.

I'm getting a bit old for this nonsense, and find that as time progresses and technology gets taken down to the dumbest denominator [please see Facebook, Myspace, etc.] that I am becoming more and more of a Luddite.

What brought this on, you might ask. To which I will answer: the latest idiocy pulled on the paying customers at LJ. If you are unaware of this, do count your blessings. If you know what I'm referring to, then you might also be courting other blogging options, as well.

I do think that I'll be using my IJ as the primary blog, still, but will be happy to cross-post the public entries here. The big drawback that I find here is the lack of options with the security settings for individual posts here: it seems to be an all or nothing approach, unlike IJ and Wordpress.

That said, and those concerns addressed, I am still more willing to give Blogger a fair chance as I still have no faith in LJ. My faith and confidence in them dropped to nil a few years ago, and they stopped getting my money for their service. They are still not going in a direction that will reverse my decision. My IJ is a permanent account, purchased for the amazingly low price of $25 when IJ was still the unheard of alternative for LJ. The only thing that I'll be changing about it is the name when I finally get my rename token. Yes, the new name will be nanny_ashtoreth. I was going to go to the effort and rename my LJ, but alas, that will not be happening because they have once again proven that they do not listen to their paying customers and I am more than happy to put that money aside for continued support of PanHistoria.

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